Trick Training & Tasks Training


A “Trick” is a behavior that ends once the reward is given. An example of a trick is “sit up”. The dog sits up and is rewarded. The reward marks the end of the behavior.


A “Task” is a behavior that continues even after the reward ends. The behavior ends when the dog is released or given another behavior to perform. If “sit up” were a task the dog would continue to sit up, once the reward stops until the dog was released or given another behavior to perform.

Types of Training Methods

There are only two types of training: Reward-Based Training and Escape and Avoidance Training. All dog trainers use one or the other or some combination of the two.

  • Reward-Based Training uses rewards to teach and reinforce behaviors. Rewards can be anything that motivates the dog; food, toys, praise, and petting. This type of training can be started when the puppy is 8 weeks old.
  • Escape and Avoidance Training uses pressure to teach and reinforce behaviors. Pressure can be social or physical. This type of training is normally not started until the puppy is at least 6 months old.